In recent months - weeks for some, the #1 trending topic has been CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19).
Each time we pick up our mobile devices, turn on the TV, or sign onto a social media platform we have been inundated with life saving information for ourselves and families. Unfortunately, we have also been overwhelmed with doom and gloom, conspiracy theorists, and misinformation from trusted individuals. My day to day routine, just like yours, has been completely turned upside down.
Thankfully, many have created a good balance between staying informed, and not allowing themselves to become engrossed in the fake news frenzy.
The very first weekend the STAY HOME order was put in place in my area, I had some pretty major professional and personal events that I was really looking forward to:
*The 3rd Annual Middle & High School STEP Show and Competition. CANCELLED!
*My Non Profit The Lemonade Stand Kidpreneur Workshop. CANCELLED!!
*My VERY off-off-off Broadway Dance Theatre performance at York College. CANCELLED!!!.
I sat at home that weekend, totally bummed at how quickly the events that took me months to plan, were altered, how necessary it is for us all to embrace change and learn how to pivot when times like this arise.
Then the domino effect began; schools across the country closed their doors and implemented remote learning curriculum - what seemed like overnight, business' started to close, the toilet paper wars began, more and more events were cancelled, news channels all began to look and sound alike...and everyone was fearing the unknown.
People everywhere began to panic and due to me not being a panicky type of person, I had a decision to make. The decision was exactly how much of my peace, joy, energy, and time was I going to dedicate to this crisis. I chose to be a vessel of information, good cheer, and hope rather than the bad news bone collector.
I figured my personal and professional purpose had always been sharing ideas and options where there would otherwise be none. So my mission now was to share educational activities for children, daily scheduling templates, meal prep ideas, funny, uplifting social media posts, easy at home exercise and entertainment options to keep households engaged and stress free.
It was imperative to convey to my friends, family, social media circle, and readers that this was our new normal- for now; not forever. I had every intention of surviving this and they would too.
It was and still is vital that we keep talking, laughing, planning, sharing, moving and enjoying each other whether there are 50, 10 or 2 of us gathered, 6 feet apart or on Zoom. Especially for those in our families that may have a harder time adjusting to drastic changes in their day to day routines; the children and the elderly. Both of which live with me.
Just as I did before the crisis, I found ways to stay busy and gladly invited others along for the ride.
To my surprise there were more just like me out there hosting parties, attending classes, courses, webinars, podcasts, tours, support groups etc.
My "What I Did During Quarantine" Journal (so far)
Last weekend, we drove to Washington DC to move my daughter out of her Off Campus Apartment. ROAD TRIP!!! We found a virtual dance party on Instagram hosted by DJ D-Nice. THE LEGEND. He got us through about five hours of cleaning cabinets and packing boxes; My husband and I 2-stepping down memory lane, while my daughter was totally mortified and sharing it on SnapChat.DJ D-Nice even got us back up I-95 for the 4 hour drive back home the next day.
Our family participated in Social Distancing Spirit Week (Pajama Day, Crazy Sock Day, Xmas in March Day, Twin Day, Disney Day)
Entertained the shoppers in Aisles 6, 7, and 8 at STOP N SHOP; Dance video off-course!
Toured The Orchid Show at the Botanical Gardens
Danced with The Alvin Ailey Dancers (they were so kind and patient)
Attended a Dance Class taught by Debbie Allen & another by Brukwine Aerobics
Accepted a few Tik Tok Dance Challenges
Raised my glass for a good friend at her 50th Birthday Party via ZOOM
Movie Nights (Tiger King, 21 Bridges, Richard Jewell, Uncorked, Family, Madam CJ Walker)
Journaling / Blogging / Reading
Cooking; Mr. & Mrs. Cook-off (Coming Soon)
Was even able to get some really good "couch seats" for friends to see Elton John & Backstreet Boys
A few Virtual Vacations (Europe & Central America were drastically discounted)
Preparing to be interviewed on a Podcast this week
Tonight my AMAZING Wedding DJ is hosting a Virtual Birthday party with Old School Tunes
....more planning......more planning........MORE PLANNING!!
Can you imagine turning down a Quarantine invitation because you've already made "other plans"????
We can all agree that this adjustment of staying home, not being able to spend time with friends and family the way we were accustomed, remembering to run at top speed if someone looks like they want to embrace you or release a cough, and putting on battle armor just to purchase milk is a very hard pill to swallow.
Please keep in mind though, that we determine how we come out of this crisis. We either allow time to pass us by while sitting at home on the couch, or we can choose to feed our mind, body, spirit and soul by getting up, getting dressed and LIVING LIFE! .
What will you choose???
Our hearts and prayers go out to every man, woman and child that has been affected by this Pandemic. We acknowledge the people that have lost loved ones, colleagues, jobs, business opportunities, and those that have had their education journey interrupted.
We extend our utmost gratitude to all of the essential professionals that are still getting up each and everyday, to make physical, mental and emotional sacrifices for the safety of their communities.
Please continue to adhere to the health and safety recommendations by the CDC and local elected officials.
Be Safe. Stay Home. Be Well.